LOST Spoilers - DarkUFO

After “NotLocke” (aka the Smoke Monster) orchestrated Jacob’s death, why didn’t he just turn around and kill Ben?
That’s a good question and I wondered it myself. But there is a reason why he can’t do that.

Does Ben suspect he has done a bad thing by killing Jacob?
I really don’t think Ben indulges in regrets. We’ve seen him make huge, possibly bad choices all through his life, but he just keeps moving forward. It may not be a good trait, but it is his.

We like to assign the trait of “good” to Jacob, in contrast to the apparently evil “Man in Black.” Yet Jacob, with his dismissive “What about you?” comment to Ben, came off as, well, a uncompassionate tool. Maybe he’s not quite as good as we believe?

That’s what I think, also – or at least his agenda is more complicated than we can know. It’s certainly not as simple as we thought. And yes, [Jacob] rather begs for his own death in a way.

With his dying breath, Jacob famously said to NotLocke, “They’re coming.” How long until we find out who “they” are?

It will be a while, unless I’m missing something. I’m not yet sure what that remark means. ['Lost' was filming its 13th episode at the time of this interview.]

Might we see Ben in the “flash-sideways” reality where Flight 815 arrived in Los Angeles safely?
Oh…. That’s a hard one to answer because these dimensions of time and space are… porous. And I think that’s about as much as I should say.

Full Interview: Fancast

Posted By: The ODI

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