LOST Spoilers - DarkUFO

More Behind the Scene Photos

Big thanks to Justin for the following great photos.

As stated on the spoiler boards, I do have some photos from where I was lucky enough to have been on location at the YWCA where some filming from (evidently) the season premiere had some scenes filmed.

All along Richards St. we noticed the LOST vans and trucks. As I made my way into the YWCA, first thing I noticed was a man in a robe and pj's reading a paper. Wasn't til later I would put it together that he was most likely an extra for the set. I walked around, trying to see where they were likely filming. Saw some of the crew in the courtyard chatting and lunching. After I sat down inside for a while, and talking with a LOST crewman, I saw which room was being filmed in and, you guessed it, it was the Santa Rosa mental hospital set. While recovering from jet lag last night I watched the Hurley-centric episodes and tried to pick up on details from the sets. I saw Lance Reddick enter and exit the scene several times as they kept shooting takes of the same scene. Nothing quite so exciting as a LOST fan to hear "ROLLING!" just one room over, knowing you'll be watching this on your tv in a few months. While munching on a donut I was given by a woman trying to get rid of all the things on the cast's food cart (cool experience), I waited on what I'd hoped would be Jorge to come out. While noticing the extras leave, I saw a woman looking strangely like L. Scott Caldwell (Rose Henderson of Rose & Bernard fame). Can't be sure, but that would make for an interesting connection if Rose was in the institution. After all, why would they have a woman who LOOKS like Rose, but isn't. LOST wouldn't try to throw us off would they? Heh.

Finally Jorge walked out looking pretty exhausted. I approached him and we talked for a minute after which he kindly agreed to a photo op. He recalled Ryan Ozama (who I'd had the good chance to have lunch with the day before) as being one of the first with a LOST podcast. He seemed anxious to get his institution robe off, as it was pretty warm out. It will definitely be interesting to see what insights this scene gives us. LOST always keeps us guessing.


Source: Justin

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