Here is a full synopsis for Episode 4.02 - Confirmed Dead that was released over at Lost-Forum. These are NOT from my source but are confirmed.
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Scene 1
Divers 5000 ft below surface...seeing it through their cameras on their heads....searching via the "coordinates our guy gave us". They see what appears to be baggage on the ocean floor...and then the plane! "Oceanic 815". Cut to news coverage -- they were searching for sunken boats in the Indian ocean off the coast of Bali. Daneil is watching the news coverage..sobbing and shaking. His wife asks why he's so upset about the news and he says "I don't know"
Cuts to his last bit in the chopper. It's shaking like crazy and raining. There's confusion in the chopper, they each need to bail. Myles says "you first" to Daniel and throws him out. He hits the ground hard. He gets up, hears people coming toward him, puts a gun in his back waste pocket and then jack/kate arrive. They introduce themselves.
Break 1
Daniel, Jack and Kate are walking. He's really odd and speaks like a crazy he has territz (sp?). Bad liar. They ask him how many are on his team/where they are. He says four...speaks quickly/nervously and says "If I had a phone, I'd be able to find them". Kate says "We have a phone..."
He calls George on speaker. George asked what happened become "chopper com" went dead and Daniel says he doesn't know..."electrical storm" everything went dead and he jumped out. He then says he's speaking with some of the survivors. He asks if he's on speaker and then daniel excused himself. Kate tells jack not to worry because naomi covered their tracks. "Are you sure?" Jack says, nodding his head toward the gun that is exposed as Daniel turns away to take the call. Daniel returns, telling them that the ship has no communication with anyone else but that they each have transponders that'll signal to the ship where they are and then the ship will send a signal back to each satellite phone so they can track/see each other. He asks where the rest of the people are...
Cut to Locke looking up at the rain. Hurley says it's a monsoon and asks what Locke's doing. Locke says it's about to pass....1 second later it does (Desmond type powers?!?!?). Locke is leading the group east, Sawyer asks why that way, the barrocks are south. Locke says bc they have to make a detour to go to a cabin. Hurley says it's the other way...Locke, very suspiciously says "What did you say Hugo?!?" pans to Locke and then Ben's reaction. Hurley, sensing the bad vibe, says "The airplane cabin, it's back that way." Sawyer asks why they're wasting time going...asks who he's getting his orders from...Locke says Walt.
Cut to Sayid staring at the ocean. Juliet approaches him. Sayid asks Juliet why Ben would say the people coming were going to kill them. Juliet says because he's a liar...pause...or because they're trying to kill us. She then asks how many guns he has left.
Cut to Daniel/Jack/Kate. They see a metal box. Kate asks if that's from his chopper. Daniel stutters "ummmm, yeah yeah, that's from our chopper...we we dropped it to reduce weight" and Jack lifts what appears to be a gas mask and asks what it for. Daniel looks nervously around and says he wasn't the one in charge of packing. Kate/Jack look @each other. Jack asks why he brought the gun. He nervously says precaution. "Precaution against what??" then there's the scene from the commercial where he says that rescuing them isn't their primary objective. Jack asks what is...then the phone beeps, they've picked up Myles' position.
Cut to Locke/Sawyer/Hurley walking
Sawyer asks what he meant by "he saw a taller walt" (way to tie his growth spurt into the storyline!!) He says that Walt told him that he had "work to do...that he had to stop Naomi from bringing the rest of her people" Sawyer asks why he didn't ask any questions and he says because Ben (who is walking with them because Jack gave him to Locke in Ep 1) shot him and Walt saved him. There's back and forth and then Locke lifts his shirt to show his wound, saying the bullet went through him and he's lucky he only has 1 kidney or he'd be dead (Did Ben purposefully shoot him there, knowing this?!?)
Cut to Jack/Kate/Daniel looking for Myles...
They see someone unconscious. Jack approaches him, he jumps up and draws a gun on Jack. Daniel implores him to stop, saying they're here to help. In the confusion, Kate tries to grab Daniel's gun but Myles sees her and tells her to back up. Myles asks Kate where Naomi is..."you know, the woman you killed?!? Where is she?" says Naomi is dead. Daniel says no, etc. Kate says the same.
Break 2
Myles flashback. He drives up to a house while listening to the radio. Person on the radio says that it was the "worst case scenario" and that with a rescue mission unlikely because of how deep it is and the pictures they have "all 324 passengers are confirmed dead". He gets a briefcase and goes to the door. A black lady he calls Ms. Gardner opens the door. He announces himself as Myles Strom "we'd spoken earlier"...she lets him in. Now there's a picture of a young black child near the door that looks like a young Eko but I don't think it is(Screen cap to be added) or someone of import that we've seen before because they panned to the photo. "Which room is it?" Myles asks. She points upstairs. He gathers some things and says "no matter what happens or what you hear, don't come upstairs." He then says he's charging $200 instead of the $100, explaining the increase because he found out from the cops her grandson was murdered.
He goes into the room. He sets down some really weird device (pic to be added) that he plugs in and then it spins @the bottom. Ok, now it gets REALLY weird; He looks around the room and starts talking to a ghost (sight unseen)!!!!! You can't hear the ghost, only one side of the convo. Says he isn't doing his grandma any good by staying...causing her pain. He then says that he "wants to go downstairs and tell her you're gone, but first you have to show me where it is". Then there's a noise and he opens a secret compartment which has a ton of cash and some heroin in it. He takes the cash, unplugs his device and tells the ghost that he can "go now". He went downstairs and told her it worked and that he's "at peace now".
back to real time
Myles snaps that she used the code for when she was being held against her will/something was wrong -- she HAS NO SISTER. Jack says that they didn't do it. Kate tells him that Locke killed her. Myles demands to be taken to her body. Kate says that even if they took him there, he wouldn't know how she died and he screams "I'd KNOW!!".
Cut to Locke and the people with him. Ben tells Alex that there's something he needs to tell her. Carl says for him to shut up, Mr. Linus. Ben, in a very funny line, says "If you're going to sleep with my daughter, at least call me Ben." Carl gets up with a gun but Sawyer calms him down/tells him to take a walk. Ben asks Sawyer why he left Kate behind, "You're wasting your time Yoda" (funny line)...Ben then says that he has no chance back home, being a loser and Jack being a Doc. Sawyer beats him up a bit, threatens to kill him but Locke argues that he shouldn't execute him, especially in front of his daughter, because he has info they need. Sawyer says "it's only a matter of time till he gets us...and I bet he's already figured out how he's going to do it"
Cut to Myles TALKING TO NAOMI'S DEAD BODY. Umm, we can't hear her talking back (btw, does this mean he'll be able to talk to Jacob?!?) Kate looks at him strangely and mutters to Jack "what is he doing?!?". Daniel (a physicist, evidently) remarks that the light is strange on the island because it doesn't "scatter quite right". Kate asks daniel to put his gun away..Jack comes up and tells her to just "let this play out" because she's wasting her time. Myles comes back and says that they didn't kill her, that it happened exactly how they said it did (um, amazing). Then they get a reading on the 3rd member of their team and Myles says they need to go to her. Jack demands they put the guns down. In an amazing moment reminiscent of the Mr. Friendly encounter, Myles screams "what? Why would I do that?" and Jack says "because you've got guns pointed at your head as my people are in the jungle" Myles asks jack how stupid he thinks he is...BANG BANG BANG, shots hit the ground. Juliet and Sayid emerge from the jungle. The 2 newbies surrender (it really was an amazing scene).
Break 3
Medenine, Tunisia
Blonde woman with short hair picks up a paper that says that Flight 815 has been recovered. Her friend asks "how many different languages to do you have to read it in to believe it" and she quips, "how many different languages are there?!?" They then go into an escavation site, where there are bones of a polar bear (in the middle of a desert!) After some digging around the blonde lady finds a collar that has a dharma sign on it(screencap to follow). She smiles.
Cut to scene of her hanging upside down in her shoot, tied to a tree. She drops to the water, looks up smiling at the island and then Locke finds her
cut to sayid walking with daniel/myles
Sayid asks a few questions, most notably why if they aren't there to rescue them and everyone thinks they're dead, why aren't they surprised they're alive. Myles sarcastically turns and says "WOW, you guys were on Oceanic 815 and you're not dead. Wow!" (funnier in the actual scene)
Locke and the rest of the crew are talking with the new girl
The girl is asking a bunch of questions;
how many of you are there? (Hurley answers, when he gets to the tail people, locke cuts him off)
Is that your baby (aaron)? Did you have him here? When Claire says yes, she says that's AMAZING (sounds like she's familiar with the island)
she says she's got a million questions but they can wait till they get back to the freighter.
Locke asks a few questions
How many are in your team (same answer, verbatum "four, including me"
Where's your chopper (I don't know, I had to jump out before the pilot put it down. Chaos!)
Lockes says they aren't interested in being found
back to sayid/jack's crew
she's(Charlotte's blip) moving/moving fast...they look...she's running...nope it's Vincent with the transponder tied to his back. Jack says "Locke has her"
Break 4
flashback to frank
he's watching coverage of the crash with footage of the bottom. They've set up a hotline for family members to call for ID. They have confirmation that one of the bodies is the pilot (whose pic they flash on the screen). While they flash to his corpse, Charles looks closely and freaks. He calls the hotline and asks to speak to a supervisor, saying that it isn't him. They say it is him and they are certain. He says they're wrong, he always wears his wedding ring and doesn't have it on. They say it fell off. He says they're wrong and he knows this because....HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE PILOT ON THAT FLIGHT, and the pilot that died replaced him
Cut to Frank on the island. He's hurt and falls down. He looks up and sees that giant cow (or whatever) that's in the commercial. His phone is dead/can't get a signal. He fires a flare.
Locke's crew sees the flare. Charlotte is excited/suggests they go toward it bc it's someone from her crew. Locke says no, Claire/Sawyer object, Locke (as in the commercial) says that whatever they came for, it wasn't them. Charlotte says she's going and doesn't need permission, in the middle of the argument there's a gunshot. Ben got a gun and shoots Charlotte. Locke checks to see if she's dead. Nope, she had on a bullet proof vest.
flash to Jack/Kate/Sayid/Myles/Daniel/Frank. Frank tells them where the chopper is.
break 5
flashback to naomi! She's speaking to an ominious looking black guy (the one from Episode 1 with Hurley)
"So this is the team" she says they're the wrong people for this mission. They don't have military or field experience. She says it'd be a disaster w/o protection. "You are their protection", he says. She says it's a "high risk, covert operation in unstable territory. She then describes the team one by one, calling daniel a "headcase", myles a "ghostbuster", Charlotte an anthropologist and frank a "drunk". She then says what do they do if they run into any survivors from the crash? The black guy says there were none. She knowingly says she knows but what if there were. He then raises his voice and says there were none and tells her not to ask questions, just to do what she's told. She's told that each of the four has a specific purpose on the mission and that "everything relies on her getting" them in/out and preventing anyone from getting killed. them to the island/get them back. He asks if she can do it. She says yes. They then pan to her dead in real time...
Sayid says the helicopter is still operational. Myles calls asking to speak to Newcastle (Jack gives him the phone bc he promises to tell them his mission). Newcastle isn't available. Myles doesn't want to bring Naomi's dead body, oddly saying "it's not her, it's just me..."
Frank is talking to Juliet, he figures out that she wasn't on the plane. There's commotion and Myles finally blurts out that there mission is to find BEN!!!!!!!!!!! That's what they came for. (I have a closeup of the pic that Myles is holding that I can post). Myles then screams "Where is he?!?"
Locke's group. They're about to kill Ben. Then he says they can't because he has info that he needs/has answers. Locke asks about the monster/black smoke. Ben says he doesn't know. Then he rattles off Charlotte's full name, her bday, where she studied, where she was raised and who raised her. Tells the name of the rest of her crew. They're a threat, he says. He knows what they want. HIM. Locke asks how he knows this. He says because he has a spy on their freighter!!!
The End
Divers 5000 ft below surface...seeing it through their cameras on their heads....searching via the "coordinates our guy gave us". They see what appears to be baggage on the ocean floor...and then the plane! "Oceanic 815". Cut to news coverage -- they were searching for sunken boats in the Indian ocean off the coast of Bali. Daneil is watching the news coverage..sobbing and shaking. His wife asks why he's so upset about the news and he says "I don't know"
Cuts to his last bit in the chopper. It's shaking like crazy and raining. There's confusion in the chopper, they each need to bail. Myles says "you first" to Daniel and throws him out. He hits the ground hard. He gets up, hears people coming toward him, puts a gun in his back waste pocket and then jack/kate arrive. They introduce themselves.
Break 1
Daniel, Jack and Kate are walking. He's really odd and speaks like a crazy he has territz (sp?). Bad liar. They ask him how many are on his team/where they are. He says four...speaks quickly/nervously and says "If I had a phone, I'd be able to find them". Kate says "We have a phone..."
He calls George on speaker. George asked what happened become "chopper com" went dead and Daniel says he doesn't know..."electrical storm" everything went dead and he jumped out. He then says he's speaking with some of the survivors. He asks if he's on speaker and then daniel excused himself. Kate tells jack not to worry because naomi covered their tracks. "Are you sure?" Jack says, nodding his head toward the gun that is exposed as Daniel turns away to take the call. Daniel returns, telling them that the ship has no communication with anyone else but that they each have transponders that'll signal to the ship where they are and then the ship will send a signal back to each satellite phone so they can track/see each other. He asks where the rest of the people are...
Cut to Locke looking up at the rain. Hurley says it's a monsoon and asks what Locke's doing. Locke says it's about to pass....1 second later it does (Desmond type powers?!?!?). Locke is leading the group east, Sawyer asks why that way, the barrocks are south. Locke says bc they have to make a detour to go to a cabin. Hurley says it's the other way...Locke, very suspiciously says "What did you say Hugo?!?" pans to Locke and then Ben's reaction. Hurley, sensing the bad vibe, says "The airplane cabin, it's back that way." Sawyer asks why they're wasting time going...asks who he's getting his orders from...Locke says Walt.
Cut to Sayid staring at the ocean. Juliet approaches him. Sayid asks Juliet why Ben would say the people coming were going to kill them. Juliet says because he's a liar...pause...or because they're trying to kill us. She then asks how many guns he has left.
Cut to Daniel/Jack/Kate. They see a metal box. Kate asks if that's from his chopper. Daniel stutters "ummmm, yeah yeah, that's from our chopper...we we dropped it to reduce weight" and Jack lifts what appears to be a gas mask and asks what it for. Daniel looks nervously around and says he wasn't the one in charge of packing. Kate/Jack look @each other. Jack asks why he brought the gun. He nervously says precaution. "Precaution against what??" then there's the scene from the commercial where he says that rescuing them isn't their primary objective. Jack asks what is...then the phone beeps, they've picked up Myles' position.
Cut to Locke/Sawyer/Hurley walking
Sawyer asks what he meant by "he saw a taller walt" (way to tie his growth spurt into the storyline!!) He says that Walt told him that he had "work to do...that he had to stop Naomi from bringing the rest of her people" Sawyer asks why he didn't ask any questions and he says because Ben (who is walking with them because Jack gave him to Locke in Ep 1) shot him and Walt saved him. There's back and forth and then Locke lifts his shirt to show his wound, saying the bullet went through him and he's lucky he only has 1 kidney or he'd be dead (Did Ben purposefully shoot him there, knowing this?!?)
Cut to Jack/Kate/Daniel looking for Myles...
They see someone unconscious. Jack approaches him, he jumps up and draws a gun on Jack. Daniel implores him to stop, saying they're here to help. In the confusion, Kate tries to grab Daniel's gun but Myles sees her and tells her to back up. Myles asks Kate where Naomi is..."you know, the woman you killed?!? Where is she?" says Naomi is dead. Daniel says no, etc. Kate says the same.
Break 2
Myles flashback. He drives up to a house while listening to the radio. Person on the radio says that it was the "worst case scenario" and that with a rescue mission unlikely because of how deep it is and the pictures they have "all 324 passengers are confirmed dead". He gets a briefcase and goes to the door. A black lady he calls Ms. Gardner opens the door. He announces himself as Myles Strom "we'd spoken earlier"...she lets him in. Now there's a picture of a young black child near the door that looks like a young Eko but I don't think it is(Screen cap to be added) or someone of import that we've seen before because they panned to the photo. "Which room is it?" Myles asks. She points upstairs. He gathers some things and says "no matter what happens or what you hear, don't come upstairs." He then says he's charging $200 instead of the $100, explaining the increase because he found out from the cops her grandson was murdered.
He goes into the room. He sets down some really weird device (pic to be added) that he plugs in and then it spins @the bottom. Ok, now it gets REALLY weird; He looks around the room and starts talking to a ghost (sight unseen)!!!!! You can't hear the ghost, only one side of the convo. Says he isn't doing his grandma any good by staying...causing her pain. He then says that he "wants to go downstairs and tell her you're gone, but first you have to show me where it is". Then there's a noise and he opens a secret compartment which has a ton of cash and some heroin in it. He takes the cash, unplugs his device and tells the ghost that he can "go now". He went downstairs and told her it worked and that he's "at peace now".
back to real time
Myles snaps that she used the code for when she was being held against her will/something was wrong -- she HAS NO SISTER. Jack says that they didn't do it. Kate tells him that Locke killed her. Myles demands to be taken to her body. Kate says that even if they took him there, he wouldn't know how she died and he screams "I'd KNOW!!".
Cut to Locke and the people with him. Ben tells Alex that there's something he needs to tell her. Carl says for him to shut up, Mr. Linus. Ben, in a very funny line, says "If you're going to sleep with my daughter, at least call me Ben." Carl gets up with a gun but Sawyer calms him down/tells him to take a walk. Ben asks Sawyer why he left Kate behind, "You're wasting your time Yoda" (funny line)...Ben then says that he has no chance back home, being a loser and Jack being a Doc. Sawyer beats him up a bit, threatens to kill him but Locke argues that he shouldn't execute him, especially in front of his daughter, because he has info they need. Sawyer says "it's only a matter of time till he gets us...and I bet he's already figured out how he's going to do it"
Cut to Myles TALKING TO NAOMI'S DEAD BODY. Umm, we can't hear her talking back (btw, does this mean he'll be able to talk to Jacob?!?) Kate looks at him strangely and mutters to Jack "what is he doing?!?". Daniel (a physicist, evidently) remarks that the light is strange on the island because it doesn't "scatter quite right". Kate asks daniel to put his gun away..Jack comes up and tells her to just "let this play out" because she's wasting her time. Myles comes back and says that they didn't kill her, that it happened exactly how they said it did (um, amazing). Then they get a reading on the 3rd member of their team and Myles says they need to go to her. Jack demands they put the guns down. In an amazing moment reminiscent of the Mr. Friendly encounter, Myles screams "what? Why would I do that?" and Jack says "because you've got guns pointed at your head as my people are in the jungle" Myles asks jack how stupid he thinks he is...BANG BANG BANG, shots hit the ground. Juliet and Sayid emerge from the jungle. The 2 newbies surrender (it really was an amazing scene).
Break 3
Medenine, Tunisia
Blonde woman with short hair picks up a paper that says that Flight 815 has been recovered. Her friend asks "how many different languages to do you have to read it in to believe it" and she quips, "how many different languages are there?!?" They then go into an escavation site, where there are bones of a polar bear (in the middle of a desert!) After some digging around the blonde lady finds a collar that has a dharma sign on it(screencap to follow). She smiles.
Cut to scene of her hanging upside down in her shoot, tied to a tree. She drops to the water, looks up smiling at the island and then Locke finds her
cut to sayid walking with daniel/myles
Sayid asks a few questions, most notably why if they aren't there to rescue them and everyone thinks they're dead, why aren't they surprised they're alive. Myles sarcastically turns and says "WOW, you guys were on Oceanic 815 and you're not dead. Wow!" (funnier in the actual scene)
Locke and the rest of the crew are talking with the new girl
The girl is asking a bunch of questions;
how many of you are there? (Hurley answers, when he gets to the tail people, locke cuts him off)
Is that your baby (aaron)? Did you have him here? When Claire says yes, she says that's AMAZING (sounds like she's familiar with the island)
she says she's got a million questions but they can wait till they get back to the freighter.
Locke asks a few questions
How many are in your team (same answer, verbatum "four, including me"
Where's your chopper (I don't know, I had to jump out before the pilot put it down. Chaos!)
Lockes says they aren't interested in being found
back to sayid/jack's crew
she's(Charlotte's blip) moving/moving fast...they look...she's running...nope it's Vincent with the transponder tied to his back. Jack says "Locke has her"
Break 4
flashback to frank
he's watching coverage of the crash with footage of the bottom. They've set up a hotline for family members to call for ID. They have confirmation that one of the bodies is the pilot (whose pic they flash on the screen). While they flash to his corpse, Charles looks closely and freaks. He calls the hotline and asks to speak to a supervisor, saying that it isn't him. They say it is him and they are certain. He says they're wrong, he always wears his wedding ring and doesn't have it on. They say it fell off. He says they're wrong and he knows this because....HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE PILOT ON THAT FLIGHT, and the pilot that died replaced him
Cut to Frank on the island. He's hurt and falls down. He looks up and sees that giant cow (or whatever) that's in the commercial. His phone is dead/can't get a signal. He fires a flare.
Locke's crew sees the flare. Charlotte is excited/suggests they go toward it bc it's someone from her crew. Locke says no, Claire/Sawyer object, Locke (as in the commercial) says that whatever they came for, it wasn't them. Charlotte says she's going and doesn't need permission, in the middle of the argument there's a gunshot. Ben got a gun and shoots Charlotte. Locke checks to see if she's dead. Nope, she had on a bullet proof vest.
flash to Jack/Kate/Sayid/Myles/Daniel/Frank. Frank tells them where the chopper is.
break 5
flashback to naomi! She's speaking to an ominious looking black guy (the one from Episode 1 with Hurley)
"So this is the team" she says they're the wrong people for this mission. They don't have military or field experience. She says it'd be a disaster w/o protection. "You are their protection", he says. She says it's a "high risk, covert operation in unstable territory. She then describes the team one by one, calling daniel a "headcase", myles a "ghostbuster", Charlotte an anthropologist and frank a "drunk". She then says what do they do if they run into any survivors from the crash? The black guy says there were none. She knowingly says she knows but what if there were. He then raises his voice and says there were none and tells her not to ask questions, just to do what she's told. She's told that each of the four has a specific purpose on the mission and that "everything relies on her getting" them in/out and preventing anyone from getting killed. them to the island/get them back. He asks if she can do it. She says yes. They then pan to her dead in real time...
Sayid says the helicopter is still operational. Myles calls asking to speak to Newcastle (Jack gives him the phone bc he promises to tell them his mission). Newcastle isn't available. Myles doesn't want to bring Naomi's dead body, oddly saying "it's not her, it's just me..."
Frank is talking to Juliet, he figures out that she wasn't on the plane. There's commotion and Myles finally blurts out that there mission is to find BEN!!!!!!!!!!! That's what they came for. (I have a closeup of the pic that Myles is holding that I can post). Myles then screams "Where is he?!?"
Locke's group. They're about to kill Ben. Then he says they can't because he has info that he needs/has answers. Locke asks about the monster/black smoke. Ben says he doesn't know. Then he rattles off Charlotte's full name, her bday, where she studied, where she was raised and who raised her. Tells the name of the rest of her crew. They're a threat, he says. He knows what they want. HIM. Locke asks how he knows this. He says because he has a spy on their freighter!!!
The End
Source: Lost-Forum