Executive Producers Damon Lindelof & Carlton Cuse take fan questions and preview Eggtown.
I'm on my laptop without working speakers, so if anyone can post any key points please feel free to leave them in the comments. Thanks :)
Serious points
Watch the Orchid video to understand the polar bear in Tunisia.
Charlotte's name is tied to CS Lewis-Narnia.
There was a time fluctuation with the rocket experiment.
We will see Libby soon.
Jack, Kate, Sayid and Hurley are 4 of the Oceanic 6. We will find out the other 2 soon, but they said they would pull a trick on us.
They hope to do weekly podcasts, but with production starting on new episodes it will be difficult.
Season 5- The Hurley Deck Collapse
Season 6- Adventures of Sventlana the cow
Nothing says Valentines like Sayid
Damon would have went with Locke more so to get away from Jack.
Carlton would have went with Jack to stay with Rose.
1) Will we learn about Hurley and the deck collapse? Complete focus of Hurley and the deck collapse is in Season 5 (Joke)
2) Will we see Libby again? Yes, Libby will return later this season.
3) Smoke monster and Hurley connected to Hindu Gods? - No, and they wished they were as smart as us.
4) How did the Polar Bear get in the dessert? - 2 Possible reasons: Got on a boat or via the island's "properties that potentially are capable of transferring things from the island to off the island." They reference the bunnies in the Orchid Hatch
5) Why do list the "guest" stars at the beginning of the episode because they are like spoilers? Harrold Perrineau is listed and has not shown up, so you can not assume anything.
6) Where did all the cows come from? The name of the cow? A potential backstory of the cow? Yes it is Patchy's cow. Svetlana is the name of the cow. Season 6 will be about Svetlana (joke)
7) Charlotte Staples Lewis (CS Lewis) - Yes there is a homage to Clive Staples Lewis is "intentional" and a little connection and nod to Chronicles of Narnia (similar to Wizard of Oz and Alice in Wonderland).
Watch the Orchid video to understand the polar bear in Tunisia.
Charlotte's name is tied to CS Lewis-Narnia.
There was a time fluctuation with the rocket experiment.
We will see Libby soon.
Jack, Kate, Sayid and Hurley are 4 of the Oceanic 6. We will find out the other 2 soon, but they said they would pull a trick on us.
They hope to do weekly podcasts, but with production starting on new episodes it will be difficult.
Season 5- The Hurley Deck Collapse
Season 6- Adventures of Sventlana the cow
Nothing says Valentines like Sayid
Damon would have went with Locke more so to get away from Jack.
Carlton would have went with Jack to stay with Rose.
1) Will we learn about Hurley and the deck collapse? Complete focus of Hurley and the deck collapse is in Season 5 (Joke)
2) Will we see Libby again? Yes, Libby will return later this season.
3) Smoke monster and Hurley connected to Hindu Gods? - No, and they wished they were as smart as us.
4) How did the Polar Bear get in the dessert? - 2 Possible reasons: Got on a boat or via the island's "properties that potentially are capable of transferring things from the island to off the island." They reference the bunnies in the Orchid Hatch
5) Why do list the "guest" stars at the beginning of the episode because they are like spoilers? Harrold Perrineau is listed and has not shown up, so you can not assume anything.
6) Where did all the cows come from? The name of the cow? A potential backstory of the cow? Yes it is Patchy's cow. Svetlana is the name of the cow. Season 6 will be about Svetlana (joke)
7) Charlotte Staples Lewis (CS Lewis) - Yes there is a homage to Clive Staples Lewis is "intentional" and a little connection and nod to Chronicles of Narnia (similar to Wizard of Oz and Alice in Wonderland).