Here are the HQ Versions thanks to E!Online
Here are a couple of screencaps of Daniels Notebook.
(Click to Enlarge)
Thanks as ever to T.L.A for the transcripts (nice one!)
Keamy (on SAT phone): Put it down over there
Charlotte: Is that from the chopper?
Lapidus (on SAT phone): We're still five clicks from the site!
Keamy: I said put it down Frank. We'll pick you up guys, as soon as we hit the ground we can go to the Orchid. Head down! Let's do this.
Jack: You know what the Orchid is?
Juliet: No, I didn't hear Desmond or Sayid either.
Jack: Kate! Wanna take a walk?
Kate: Absolutely
Jack: I'll get the guns, you get some water OK?
Kate: OK.
Juliet: You can't..possibly be serious. You just had surgery, Jack.
Jack: I'm fine.
Juliet: You're not going to be fine.
Jack: I can't just sit around waiting..
Juliet: Recovery is not sitting around.
Jack: I have to do this.
Juliet: Why?
Jack: Because I promised those people..that I would get them off this island.
Juliet: Don't bleed to death Jack.
Jack: I'll see you in a couple of hours.
Charlotte: Daniel, what's wrong?
Daniel: Charlotte, did you hear what he said? They're going to the Orchid. They're using the secondary protocol.
Charlotte: What are you talking about?
Daniel: We have to get off this island...right now.
Sayid: Hey! Over here!
Sun: Sayid, where's Desmond?
Sayid: He's fine, he's on the freighter. Listen, I'm going to start taking people back, six at a time. We have to go right now, before the helicopter gets back to the boat.
Juliet: Why do we have to go to the boat before the chopper gets back?
Sayid: Because the men on that helicopter have every intention of killing us all. ...What?
Juliet: Jack and Kate just went running after it.
Hurley: OK, let's say this greenhouse place does what you say and yeah, I get it, it's really dangerous and unpredictable but suppose..somehow it works and we move the island. Dosen't that mean the dudes with guns move too?
Ben: Yes, I suppose they would.
Hurley: Well isn't that, y'know, a problem?!
Ben: I'm working on it.
Hurley: Well what about me? I still wanna get off it!
Locke: I'm afraid it's a little late for that Hugo.
Ben: May I have the binoculars please? You might want to get down lower to the ground.
Locke: Why might we want to do that?
Ben: Because we're at the Orchid.
Charlotte: Is that from the chopper?
Lapidus (on SAT phone): We're still five clicks from the site!
Keamy: I said put it down Frank. We'll pick you up guys, as soon as we hit the ground we can go to the Orchid. Head down! Let's do this.
Jack: You know what the Orchid is?
Juliet: No, I didn't hear Desmond or Sayid either.
Jack: Kate! Wanna take a walk?
Kate: Absolutely
Jack: I'll get the guns, you get some water OK?
Kate: OK.
Juliet: You can't..possibly be serious. You just had surgery, Jack.
Jack: I'm fine.
Juliet: You're not going to be fine.
Jack: I can't just sit around waiting..
Juliet: Recovery is not sitting around.
Jack: I have to do this.
Juliet: Why?
Jack: Because I promised those people..that I would get them off this island.
Juliet: Don't bleed to death Jack.
Jack: I'll see you in a couple of hours.
Charlotte: Daniel, what's wrong?
Daniel: Charlotte, did you hear what he said? They're going to the Orchid. They're using the secondary protocol.
Charlotte: What are you talking about?
Daniel: We have to get off this island...right now.
Sayid: Hey! Over here!
Sun: Sayid, where's Desmond?
Sayid: He's fine, he's on the freighter. Listen, I'm going to start taking people back, six at a time. We have to go right now, before the helicopter gets back to the boat.
Juliet: Why do we have to go to the boat before the chopper gets back?
Sayid: Because the men on that helicopter have every intention of killing us all. ...What?
Juliet: Jack and Kate just went running after it.
Hurley: OK, let's say this greenhouse place does what you say and yeah, I get it, it's really dangerous and unpredictable but suppose..somehow it works and we move the island. Dosen't that mean the dudes with guns move too?
Ben: Yes, I suppose they would.
Hurley: Well isn't that, y'know, a problem?!
Ben: I'm working on it.
Hurley: Well what about me? I still wanna get off it!
Locke: I'm afraid it's a little late for that Hugo.
Ben: May I have the binoculars please? You might want to get down lower to the ground.
Locke: Why might we want to do that?
Ben: Because we're at the Orchid.