LOST Spoilers - DarkUFO

Update: 25th August Thanks to Christina for a small update on the translation.

There will still be flashbacks and flashforwards, but there will be equally other ways of telling the story, something totally new in the series. In the first episode, you will neither know what time period the action is taking place in, nor where the action is happening. The scenes will take place on the island and in different parts of the world and at different time periods according to the characters.

Thanks to Lyly for the scan and the Translation.

In future episodes : Numerous mysteries will be resolved in season 5. We'll learn about what going on with Claire, Rousseau and Richard Alpert's pasts will be revealed. Jin and Locke will still be around this season, according to Lost's producers: "Death is a very relative term on this show"

Most of the episodes will deal about the Oceanic 6 going back on the island and the way Jack will convince them to do so.

So, Kate and Sawyer will consequently be reunited once again.. We will also learn in which circumstances Libby met Hurley in a Mental Institute before the crash.

Damon's part is what he said about the use of both Flashbacks and Flashforwards, and that it'll be difficult to know what's going on about when and where the action takes place in the first episode.

Source: Lyly@DarkUFO

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