Updated: Thanks to maxpower at 4815162342 forums for this update from a poster over there.Looks like is it just a set photo that will never be shown on screen.That photo, is not actually from the scene itself. I must admit, I'm sorry, I seemed to deceive some people, and many other sites that put that picture up, speculating without my input. Honestly, that is not part of the lost episode, and he is just staring at the pan full of fruit that is for the production crew and the actors. If you could not tell, Jack was just chilling in the cages, while some actually assumed that Jack would be in the cage himself during the scene. This is not entirely accurate, and should be taken into account. I seemed to have gotten carried away with the attention my photo received, and said stuff on the board that was not concrete. Matthew Fox was just on set at the time when I took this photo. All websites displaying this photo should include this information within it's caption to not deceive its readers.
Source: 4815161242 Forums
I was sent this photo by Koolaid with no accompanying text but it certainly looks authentic and not photoshopped.
Why have they moved Jack? Is this Episode 6 or a future episode? Or is it just an outtake or deleted scene.
(click to enlarge)