LOST Spoilers - DarkUFO

Earlier today EW's Ausiello reported that Ms. Hawking will be returning this season and has a connection with another Lostie not named Desmond. Of course many of you have speculated at the potential options. Well he has now come back to say Hawking's connection is that she is "related" to this Lostie. My guess is Charlotte or maybe Faraday!?

Ausiello also posted some casting info which we already have posted and confirmed that Lance Reddick was filming an episode this past week (most likely Episode 5x06).

Here is his post:

Question: Your Lost spoiler tease in this week's Ausiello TV is driving me nuts. Can you please give us a hint as to the nature of the connection between Fionnula Flanagan's creepy ring-seller and "another major character" who is not Desmond? -- Vanessa

Ausiello: They're r*l*t**.

Question: The lack of Lost scoop is killing me. -- Ahmed

Ausiello: Help has arrived! My Lost mole reports that Lance Reddick (a.k.a. corporate recruiter Matthew Abaddon as well as Fringe's Phillip Broyles) was just spotted in Hawaii shooting what I assume is episode 5.6. Meanwhile, the show is casting the likely recurring role of Hal, a white dude in his 70s who can still fight the establishment and win. Team Darlton is also on the prowl for an actor to play Mike, a thirtysomething scientist who's on the brink of something big. An authentic Czech accent is required. (Of course, when isn't it?)

Source: EW

Posted By: The ODI

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