Hey All,
Last week we posted a casting call for LOST Episode 5x09 for a character by the name of Marty Jankowsky.
Well today we have gotten the confirmation that this recurring character will be played by Eric Lange and that he will appear in at least two episodes.According to our source, the casting call for the character is right on.
As of now it seems like Marty will be a character with off-island scenes, but we will be getting more details about the character soon and will keep you all posted.
Personally, I think he seems to be a professor or some sort of scientist based on the casting call. BTW he looks perfect for that type of role. :)
Here is a link to Eric's IMDB and the casting call again to refresh your minds.
NOTE: Filming for Episode 5x09 will be starting shortly, with maybe some scenes being filmed this week or right after the Thanksgiving Holidays.
Eric Lange on IMDB
40s to 50s, Caucasian, very smart and controlling. Marty has his own way of doing things and god help you if you cross him and/or try to alter his very precise process. A deep and free thinker he uses his fierce intellect as a weapon. GUEST STAR/POSSIBLE RECUR
Source: The ODI