Here are four sneak peeks for the Season 5 Finale Episode 5x16/17 The Incident.
One of the clips is an edited version of the tunnel scene with the Jughead we posted earlier along with three new clips.
Also, there is an AP Video interview of Michael Emerson that has the sneak clips missed in together.
Thanks to everyone that emailed these in and DocArzt for uploading the sneaks.
Thanks to TLA and Linton for the transcripts that I will post shortly.
Kate: We have to get out of here Sawyer: Out of here? We're under water. What the hell are you doing here? How'd you get caught? Kate: I came back to get you. Sawyer: You came back to get me for what? Juliet: Where's Jack? Kate: his way to blow up a hydrogen bomb. Sawyer: Why the hell would he do that? Kate: Does it matter? We have to stop him. Sawyer: Sorry, I'm gonna pass. Kate: Did you hear what I just said? Sawyer: Yeah, I heard you. You just don't get it Kate. We were happy in Dharmaville until y'all showed up. And now that's all over. So we're gonna drink our OJ and take our chances in the real world. Jack wants to blow up the island? Good for Jack.
Locke: Why haven't you told him yet? Ben: Told who what? Locke: Richard. Why haven't you told him about my plans for Jacob? Ben: If by plans you mean murdering him John, I assumed you'd want to keep that a secret. Locke: When did that ever stop you? Ben: Well I started thinking differently about things when my dead daughter threatened to destroy me if I didn't do everything you said. Locke: Wait wait.. where did this happen? Ben: In that cavern beneath the Temple. When we went to see the Monster. Locke: So.. you're willing to do whatever I say, no matter what it is? Ben: Yes. Locke: Well then, I guess I won't have to convince you after all. Ben: Convince me to do what? Locke: I'm not gonna kill Jacob Ben.. You are.
Loudspeaker: All residents. We are in a code black. Return with your weapons to your security assignments immediately. If you come into contact with a hostile, you are authorized to use deadly force. Jack: How the hell are we gonna get out of here? Sayid: We hide in plain sight. Phil: (giving instructions) You go over there by the gate... So you guys go. You go to the.. Roger: Hey.. Hey! Your the son of a bitch who shot my kid. Sayid: Don't fire that weapon!
Jack: Is there anything in there about how we're supposed to move a ten tonne bomb across the island? Sayid: Actually it's twenty tonnes. Fortunately it seems that Faraday never intended to freight the device in it's entirety. Eloise: What? Sayid: He left detailed instructions on how to remove the plutonium core.. and how to detonate it. Jack: Faraday told me that we needed to wipe out some kind of pocket of energy. Is only part of the bomb gonna be enough to do that? Sayid: The core itself is a thermal nuclear weapon. It'l be more than enough. Richard: Hey hey wait. We sealed that thing up twenty years ago and we put it underground because it was emitting radiation. Does this sound like a good idea to you Eloise? Eloise: Richard.. Richard: You're pregnant. Eloise: Which is exactly why we have to help them see this through. Once the core is removed, then what? Sayid: Then we have approximately two hours to take it to the Swan site. Jack: Two hours? Sayid: When Faraday returned to the island, he was very explicit about his timetable. Jack: Well then, we better get moving.
AP Interview with Michael Emerson with Sneaks Mixed together