LOST Spoilers - DarkUFO

Update: 20:00 We I hope some of you enjoyed today's little April Fools :) There were 42 Are You Sure Buttons which eventually revealed a little photo ;)

Here are the stats that I took a while ago of how many people clicked how many times.

Did you get fooled?

NOTE: This is the only April Fools day post that we've posted apart from the that are marked as AFD on the Homepage and Media Mentions.

2 of my sources who have read the Finale 17/18 scripts have just confirmed what all shippers have been waiting for ....

1) Only discuss the contents of this post in THIS THREAD. Anyone posting details from here in any other thread will get a LIFETIME BAN on the whole site.
2) As with all major spoilers if you take them to another site please post responsibly. Be considerate to your fellow Lost fans.

We welcome relevant, respectful comments.