LOST Spoilers - DarkUFO

Thanks to Claudio for the heads up.

While Lost exec producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse confirm that death becomes her (“The decision to kill Juliet was absolutely brutal,” says Lindelof), they note that she’s scheduled to appear in multiple episodes this season (“There’s still something very significant that we have not yet learned about the character,” hints Cuse).

LINDELOF: “Juliet basically birthed season 6 by the actions that she takes in the final seconds of season 5. She is completely responsible for the end game of the show. So the character is going to be seen in a slightly different light this year. We gave her that action for a reason, and that’s because she’s so important to the fabric of the story.”

On later being asked to return in season 6:
MITCHELL: “The only thing I could think of was that she gets to beat the c-r-a-p out of Ben [laughs]…. I was like, ‘I think I’m going to be really busy. But I’m so in love with this character, it’s not like you have to twist my arm. So, thank you.’ It was just a complete rollercoaster of [emotions], though, because I had already said goodbye.”

On what we should expect when we see Juliet again:
MITCHELL: “It’s probably exactly what you expect, but because it’s Damon and Carlton, you know they’re just going to turn it on its ear.”

Full Article

Source: Popwatch

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